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About Us

20,000 employees.
In 36 countries
in 4 continents. 

Your health matters. We are there to support you with efficient, evidence-based and state-of-the-art diagnostic technology. 

Our scientific experts provide consultation on individual diagnostic pathways and interpretation of results. This creates a solid foundation for efficient and effective therapy. We want you to get well – and stay well.

More than 700 hospitals, hundreds of thousands of referring medical practitioners and tens of millions of patients put their trust in SYNLAB’S network of over 1200 medical experts and diagnostic centres. We live up to our responsibilities and are proud of it.

Whether patient or medical professional – SYNLAB is always there where you need us: close by.We provide fast, reliable, high-quality diagnostic services in 36 countries across 4 continents.

SYNLAB is a basic provider in many national healthcare systems, and a leading provider of laboratory diagnostic services in Europe for practising doctors, clinics and patients.

Welcome to SYNLAB. We’re here to help.


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