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COVID-19 Program


SYNLAB is part of the health infrastructure in many countries that are fighting the pandemic, acting as a trusted provider and adviser to key decision makers.

We currently perform SARS-CoV-2 screening tests in 28 countries worldwide and offer:

  • RT-PCR tests to identify existing infections
  • Serological antibody tests and antigen tests
  • Alternative, more comfortable sampling methods: mouthwash and saliva samples
  • Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 positive samples to identify possible mutations


Thanks to our extensive network and expertise, we were the first provider in Europe to offer RT-PCR tests on a large-scale to fight SARS-CoV-2. We offer testing to healthcare professionals, patients and individuals, and we have signed more than 5000 agreements to implement programmes to create safe work environments.

  • National healthcare organizations and governments to develop and promote SARS-CoV-2 action plans and procedures
  • Universities for the return to campus
  • Companies to ensure a safe return to work and so that they can maintain their activity
  • Sporting associations, such as UEFA, to provide safer training and competition conditions
  • Tourism sector to facilitate mobility, issuing reports with the necessary requirements to allow border crossings

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Nota informativa sobre el ciberataque acontecido en Synlab ITALIA

El pasado 18 de Abril Synlab Italia se vio afectada por las consecuencias de un ciberataque. Como precaución y, de acuerdo con los procedimientos de seguridad de la información de Synlab, todos los sistemas en Italia fueron desactivados. Como resultado, las operaciones de Synlab en Italia se vieron suspendidas. Se estableció un equipo de trabajo con expertos internos y externos para mitigar el impacto, restaurar los sistemas y se alertó a las autoridades con quien se ha colaborado estrechamente.

Las operaciones fuera de Italia NO se vieron afectadas por este incidente.

Con fecha 30 de abril Synlab Italia ha restaurado sus operaciones y retomará los servicios a pacientes y clientes en Italia.

Synlab está comprometida en mantener los más altos estándares de seguridad e integridad.