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Responsible Supply Chain Management

"The Supplier Complaints Policy is intended to encourage and enable business partners and their respective employees, as well as other third parties, to report proven or suspected violations of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz) and violations of the SYNLAB Supplier Code of Conduct."

Supplier Code of Conduct

Suppliers and service providers play an essential role in our operations and the delivery of our high-quality and value-added services to our patients and customers.

Therefore, we expect our suppliers and subcontractors to adopt high standards of conduct in terms of social and environmental concerns, business ethics and integrity. The Supplier Code of Conduct introduced by SYNLAB AG provides a clear guideline for our suppliers and third parties working on behalf of SYNLAB. We expect our partners to adhere to the principles of this Supplier Code of Conduct and to pass them on to their contractual partners in their supply chains.

Third Party Whistleblowing Policy

We encourage you to notify us through our Supplier Complaints Procedure reporting system should you have concerns about an issue that may not be in compliance with SYNLAB's Supplier Code of Conduct or have a reasonable suspicion of violations of applicable laws and regulations.

At SYNLAB, we are committed to a policy of non-retaliation. Therefore, you and any third parties protected by applicable laws do not need to fear any discriminatory or disciplinary consequences for making a report or raising questions, doubts or concerns.


Nota informativa sobre el ciberataque acontecido en Synlab ITALIA

El pasado 18 de Abril Synlab Italia se vio afectada por las consecuencias de un ciberataque. Como precaución y, de acuerdo con los procedimientos de seguridad de la información de Synlab, todos los sistemas en Italia fueron desactivados. Como resultado, las operaciones de Synlab en Italia se vieron suspendidas. Se estableció un equipo de trabajo con expertos internos y externos para mitigar el impacto, restaurar los sistemas y se alertó a las autoridades con quien se ha colaborado estrechamente.

Las operaciones fuera de Italia NO se vieron afectadas por este incidente.

Con fecha 30 de abril Synlab Italia ha restaurado sus operaciones y retomará los servicios a pacientes y clientes en Italia.

Synlab está comprometida en mantener los más altos estándares de seguridad e integridad.