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Quality Policy

SYNLAB, commitment to quality

SYNLAB meets the needs of its customers by complying with standardized and demonstrable quality levels, based on ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 15189, ISO 17025 or CAT standards, as applicable. This includes compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

Consult our certificates:

Note: the list of accredited analyses can be requested from our Quality Management Unit.

Our aim is to offer a quality service in all diagnostic categories to benefit your health.

Our organization’s activity is based on professional ethics which lead us to offer the best diagnostic service with the highest technical and human quality and innovative capacity, while controlling costs.

Quality Policy

SYNLAB defines and applies procedures for selecting the best suppliers of materials, reagents and equipment, for training of all personnel directly or indirectly involved in the analytical work and for implementing internal and external control mechanisms for the quality of the processes.

Likewise, as a customer-focused service provider, self-monitoring by the organization is ensured in order to achieve  continuous improvement in all laboratory processes and services, and in all aspects related to patient safety, promoting the use of the process approach and risk-based thinking.

SYNLAB has a  firm commitment to training, to raising awareness and motivating all staff to pursue continuous professional advancement, and to promoting teamwork.

Management’s commitment to the Quality Policy entails provision of the necessary resources to ensure that the policy is known, understood and implemented at all levels of the organization.

Environmental policy

SYNLAB has implemented an environmental management system according to the UNE-EN-ISO 14001 standard with a commitment to environmental protection, including prevention of pollution. To fulfil this commitment, SYNLAB:

  • Identifies and assesses environmental aspects with the aim of reducing and minimising consumption, discharges, emissions and waste that can have an impact on the environment in order to achieve sustainable development.
  • Complies with all applicable legal requirements and any others that may be assumed.
  • Establishes and reviews environmental objectives and goals for continuous improvement of the environmental management system.
  • Determines the risks associated with the environmental aspects, legal requirements and other requirements of the organization.
  • Ensures that the necessary resources are provided to ensure that this Environmental Policy is known, understood and implemented at all levels of the organization, and available to the public.
  • Controls the way in which its services and/or products are generated and distributed throughout the life cycle, minimizing the environmental impact to a great extent.
  • Promotes environmental awareness among all users of the system and its workers.
  • It commits to develop communication channels and systems to inform, dialogue and cooperate with stakeholders on the company´s enviromental performance.

Nota informativa sobre el ciberataque acontecido en Synlab ITALIA

El pasado 18 de Abril Synlab Italia se vio afectada por las consecuencias de un ciberataque. Como precaución y, de acuerdo con los procedimientos de seguridad de la información de Synlab, todos los sistemas en Italia fueron desactivados. Como resultado, las operaciones de Synlab en Italia se vieron suspendidas. Se estableció un equipo de trabajo con expertos internos y externos para mitigar el impacto, restaurar los sistemas y se alertó a las autoridades con quien se ha colaborado estrechamente.

Las operaciones fuera de Italia NO se vieron afectadas por este incidente.

Con fecha 30 de abril Synlab Italia ha restaurado sus operaciones y retomará los servicios a pacientes y clientes en Italia.

Synlab está comprometida en mantener los más altos estándares de seguridad e integridad.