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Your health matters

Our prevention tests

We offer you a series of different tests that will help you to find out your state of health in order to detect and prevent any diseases from developing. The accurate and detailed results will tell you whether you suffer from any disorder or condition that could affect your health.


Key indicators analysis for assessing the general health status in women.


Key indicators analysis for assessing the general health status in men.


Detection of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) using high-sensitivity molecular and serological techniques that let you know your current state of sexual health.


Biochemical assessment of cardiovascular risk, consisting of four analytical profiles that provide information on relative risk and a graphical representation of the risk.


A state-of-the-art, non-invasive, prenatal test that detects the most common chromosomal abnormalities during pregnancy.


Genetic test for hereditary predisposition to breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer. This test provides highly reliable information on the risk of suffering from these types of cancer.

Choose to take care of your health

Enjoy a 10% discount on Complete Check-up for Women and Men (general health analysis), Advanced Nutritional Test (genetic and biochemical study for a personalised diet) and/or BIOTA200 (study of intestinal microbiota + food sensivity). What are you waiting for?

About prevention

Our health status depends on a multitude of factors. Among these, some cannot be altered, because they depend on our genetic makeup, and many others can be avoided by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Knowing our genetic makeup, as well as our current health status, will enable us to take the measures necessary to stop diseases from developing.

Prevention is care

Caring for and boosting our health requires us to change, readjust and incorporate certain habits or behaviours that help improve it. Encouraging physical activity, following a healthy diet and staying up-to-date with medical check-ups are simple actions that can help us optimise prevention. It is essential we follow these recommendations if we are to reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer or infectious diseases, among others.

Preserve your quality of life

It is a fact that life expectancy is increasing in the population today. So it’s important to pay special attention to our health, as the onset and development of diseases can affect our abilities and, consequently, our quality of life and that of the people around us.


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